MashaAllah, by the Fadal of Allah a Khatam of the Quran was completed in one night in the Taraweeh Salaah in Masjid Ansaar Whiteblocks Laudium.
Mufti Ridwaan Hassim (son of late Ml Riaz) led all 20 Rakaats. In the first Rakaat he completed 10 Juz and in the second Rakaat 3 Juz, in the third and fourth Rakaat he read 7 Juz then the remainder 10 Juz he read the balance 16 Rakaats.
About 130 brothers were present for the Taraweeh Salaah. The Dua and Witr were completed by 4:47 am.
We make Dua that Allah accepts the efforts of Ml Ridwaan and all those involved in organising the Taraweeh as well as all those that read behind him.